NJC Pay Offer 2022-23: Myth Buster

Time For Real Change is keen for all UNISON members covered by the National Joint Council (NJC) pay offer for 2022-23 to make an informed decision about what that offer actually means for them. It is hoped that the following bullet points are helpful and can be shared:

  • The joint union claim was for a flat rate £2,000 or Retail Price Index (RPI) inflation – whichever is the greater. The final offer meets neither element of that claim.

  • The final offer means no staff will receive an inflation-equivalent pay rise. RPI inflation is currently at 11.8%

  • The average salary for a Local Government worker is £32,000 so a majority of workers will get 5% or less.

  • The final offer will increase the 25% real term pay cut our members have suffered since 2010

  • The deletion of Spinal Column Point 1 from 2023 would have to happen anyway to keep our lowest paid members above the national minimum wage set by a Tory Government

  • The employers have rejected a one-off COVID-19 recognition payment that covers all NJC workers

  • The employers have rejected the introduction of a homeworking allowance for all staff who are working from home

  • The employers have rejected the introduction of a school support staff retention payment scheme supported by Green Book guidance

  • The employers have rejected a reduction of the working week to 35 hours with no loss of pay, and a reduction to 34 hours a week in London.

There will be many who have seen or been presented only with the headline Pay Offer of £1,925 and additional one day’s leave and there can be no doubt this is an interesting offer and it will be for members to accept or reject.

The elected NJC Committee of UNISON reps took a bold approach this year to our pay negotiations. Agreeing to only have a disaggregate ballot, they agreed to explore targeted action as well. The employers are aware that we are taking pay seriously this year.

Members will decide but Time For Real Change was keen to ensure we are all as well-informed about the actual detail of this offer as possible and it is hoped the above contributes to that.

Whatever you do, take part in the UNISON NJC Pay consultative ballot, scheduled to run from 19 August to 19 September! Look out for your email, text or postal ballot from your branch or region soon.


Model motion for branch and regional Labour Link cttes


Statement made to the UNISON Labour Link National Forum