Model motion for branch and regional Labour Link cttes

The Labour Party must represent workers!

The cost-of-living crisis is hitting millions across the country and our low paid members in particular. Workers across sectors and unions are being offered below-inflation pay deals on the back of wage stagnation and austerity for over a decade. The Labour Party should have their backs.

The Labour Party grew out of the Trade Union movement. Its founding purpose was to represent workers and ordinary people who should be able to expect a decent standard of living and protection of their rights. It makes total sense for trade unions to back such a party with their voice, their power and to provide financial backing.

If the Labour Party chooses to move away from its founding principles it makes no sense for unions to follow blindly. We owe it to our members to represent their interests and make best use of their subs. If we are not getting the backing we need, we should question our support, funding and donations. 

A Labour Party that will not allow shadow cabinet members or shadow ministers to stand on picket lines, a Labour party that discourages MPs from standing shoulder to shoulder with workers in dispute has lost its way.

In recent interviews Keir Starmer has chosen not to answer questions about whether he would respond differently to workers’ demands for inflation-linked pay rises. He repeatedly refers to allowing the proper processes to take their course. No defence of workers. No clear message to the public that Labour has an alternative offer.

This has gone on too long. This Labour Link [branch/committee] expresses our concerns in the strongest terms. We need to add our voice alongside other unions to demand representation for workers from the party formed to speak for workers in Parliament. UNISON Labour Link must make clear to the Labour Party that our funding and donations will be reviewed in light of their change of direction. "No more blank cheques”. 

This Labour Link [branch/committee] no longer has confidence in the Leader of the Labour Party. His decisions, priorities and attitude are not serving our members and risk losing us the next election. We need a Labour Party true to its roots to be in power.

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