Time For Real Change candidates

  • Kris Holt

    Seat: Eastern - General

    Bio: An experienced rep fighting for better terms and a brighter future for Local Government workers.

  • Liz Brennan

    Seat: Eastern - Female

    Bio: We need real change in Local Government - outsourcing, underfunding and declining pay have gone on too long - let’s get organised!

  • Polly Smith

    Seat: Eastern - Reserved

    Bio: I want to be elected to the local government SGE as I believe UNISON needs a leadership that reflects what members want - better pay and conditions.

  • Ged Talty

    Seat: East Midlands - General

    Bio: I’m standing up for properly-funded public services, decent pay and conditions, and against all privatisation.

  • Cath Lewis

    Seat: East Midlands - Female

  • Sara Evans

    Seat: East Midlands - Reserved

  • John McLoughlin

    Seat: Greater London - General

    Bio: Covid has shown how deeply change is needed. We need fighting leadership at every level of our union to achieve it.

  • Anju Paul

    Seat: Greater London - Reserved

  • Glen Williams

    Seat: North West - General

    Bio: I want to build a union that inspires and builds confidence in members to become active, engaged and empowered.

  • Lois Founds

    Seat: North West - Female

    Bio: I’m standing for the SGE because members face real pressures at work; we need a union that delivers real improvements!

  • Rena Wood

    Seat: North West - Reserved

    Bio: Local Government workers in public services are an investment not a liability. I want to fight for that.

  • Ed Whitby

    Seat: Northern - General

  • Jon Woods

    Seat: South East - General

    Bio: I’m standing to continue to represent the South East region on the Local Government Service Group Executive.

  • Serena Powis

    Seat: South East - Female

    Bio: We need to listen to what our members want from their Trade Union. I am standing for a member-led UNISON.

  • Marilyn Cox

    Seat: South East - Reserved

    Bio: I am standing up for all low-paid workers. As a Teaching Assistant myself, I know we are worth much more and we need our union to do better for us.

  • Kevin Treweeks

    Seat: South West - General

    Bio: I am looking to continue to amplify South West members' voices so we can get the pay and recognition we deserve!

  • Amanda Brown

    Seat: South West - Female

    Bio: I’m standing to collectively improve our working lives, health and home conditions, and those of our younger generation.

  • David Hughes

    Seat: West Midlands - General

    Bio: The union needs to change if we are going to reverse the cuts in pay, services and jobs.

  • Carol Garfield

    Seat: West Midlands - Female

    Bio: I am standing for the SGE to continue to fight for schools and council workers in the West Midlands.

  • Shazziah Rock

    Seat: West Midlands - Reserved

    Bio: I’m standing for the SGE West Midlands Reserved seat: continuing to support equality and diversity of UNISON members in the fight to defend public services.

  • Adrian Kennett

    Seat: Yorkshire & Humber - General

    Bio: I am standing for the SGE because I want to be part of the fight back to defend public services.

  • Julie Forgan

    Seat: Yorkshire & Humber - Female

    Bio: I want to help build a union that takes on the fight to protect our health, pay and conditions and ultimately our planet.

  • Rita Ball

    Seat: Yorkshire & Humber - Reserved