Time For Real Change candidates
Martin Thurlow
Seat: Eastern - General
Vicki Morris
Seat: East Midlands - Female
Bio: We need to build strong, confident branches with active members to provide a platform for action on pay and conditions. -
Laura Dickens
Seat: Greater London - Female
Helen Smith
Seat: Northern - Female
Andy Beech
Seat: North West - General
Linda Holden
Seat: North West - Female
Ivan Bonsell
Seat: South East - General
Sarah Pickett
Seat: South East Female
Joe Sucksmith
Seat: South West - General
Mike Moore
Seat: West Midlands - General
Mark Adcock
Seat: Yorkshire & Humber - General
Mobina Begum
Seat: Yorkshire & Humber - Female
Bio: I’m standing for a seat in the UNISON Higher Education Service Group Election on a platform to bring about real change in our union. We need a union that is member-led and will fight with and for you!