Pay Loss Calculator

Find out how much your earnings will be affected by the pay award for your UNISON service group by entering your information into the pay loss calculator on this page.

This calculator uses the retail price index (RPI) to determine the annual salary required to match the rate of inflation. For reference, the current RPI inflation rate is 12.6% (October 2022).


For ease of use, we have included a selection of pay awards across the different service groups and you should choose the one that applies to your service group e.g. Local Government.

If the pay award for your area is not listed as one of the options then simply enter the percentage amount into custom award box instead.

Enter your current salary to calculate your new annual earnings with the chosen pay award applied, the salary required to match the rate of inflation and the resulting loss of money you will see in real terms.

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Pay Loss Calculator
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Please select your pay award

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