Publicity for your nominations: a guide for branches

Thanks go to all UNISON branches who have nominated Time For Real Change NEC election candidates!

Our campaign is reliant on having secured nominations from some of the best-organised branches, with the best activists, who can help us to push out the message to members.

Members now need to know who our candidates are so they can identify them and understand why they are different and worth voting for.

By using our organising skills and reaching out to members, we can boost turnout in the branches where we have secured nominations for our candidates, and let members know about them and what they stand for, and why their leadership within our NEC will make a positive difference to their lives.

Whether Time For Real Change can win these elections will depend on how many branches who nominated TFRC candidates go on to tell their members they have done so and why!

We have therefore written a guide designed to help you to effectively publicise your branch’s nomination decisions and to do so within the union’s rules.

Please read it and share it with whoever you think needs it in your branch. We also have a template communication, to give you some ideas as to how you might communicate your nominations. This is only a guide: what you do is down to you, your branch’s style and preference for how you communicate to members. Whatever you do though, let’s get organised!

Download the guide here

Download the template communication here

You can download information about TFRC candidates and save their photos here:

Regional candidates

Service group candidates

National candidates


NEC Report, meeting held on 12 February 2025


TFRC Young Members Post Conference Report