On the record: Kirklees Trade Union victimisation exposed

As we reported recently lawyers appointed by UNISON nationally to represent Paul Holmes made an application to the Employment Tribunal for “Interim Relief” on the grounds of Anti Trade Union Victimisation so that Paul could receive his wages and keep his contract of employment open until the full Employment Tribunal hearing into his dismissal.

An “Interim Relief” application requires a much higher level of proof than a standard Tribunal hearing where the outcome is based on the balance of probabilities. Essentially the Judge has to be convinced that it would be “Most Likely” that the Tribunal case will succeed. An “open and shut” case so to speak. Unfortunately, Paul’s case didn’t quite reach the threshold for this. The full Employment Tribunal is a completely different matter.

What is very significant now however, is that the application for Interim Relief is now in the Public Domain. Which means that it is on the record. The document lists the allegations made against Paul and also some important background information about the attitude of certain senior managers at Kirklees towards UNISON and Paul Holmes in particular:

As one paragraph explains:

(a)         in 2015 approximately 50 senior managers of the Respondent attended a management away day at which Ms Redfern presented a strategy for breaking the union.  At the conclusion of her presentation, Ms Redfern made staff chant back three times:

‘We’re going to break Paul Holmes, We’re going to break UNISON’

The Interim Relief Application comprehensively demolishes the Council’s case, addressing each of the allegations made against Paul. All UNISON activists should read the document and draw their own conclusions. Above all, ask yourself “If the employers can get away with sacking the President of UNISON, what message does that send to all Public sector employers?”

Read the full Interim Relief application here and below.


Community Conference report


Weekly newsletter 08, March 28th 2022