NEC Report, meeting held on 25 October 2023

NEC minutes from May, June and July 2023 were all agreed.

General Secretary’s Report - The report from General Secretary Christina McAnea covered several key areas:

  1. Health members in Northern Ireland are still in dispute since December 2022 to secure pay parity.

  2. Local Government in Scotland, schools and early years members are leading the fight for better pay. GMB and Unite want to settle with employers in Scotland, this is a complicating issue. Strike dates through November & December in education.

  3. Local Government. UNISON accepted the pay offer, with Unite taking action in pockets, and the GMB ballot results not released yet. This is delaying the process. Pay negotiations will be as difficult next year, as the Tory Government is not giving ground.

  4. Labour Party Conference. We got a commitment to fund a National Care Service, but no details to be published. Also, a commitment to school support staff negotiating rights.

  5. Conferences attended: Police & Justice, Retired Members, TUC, Public Service International and Labour Party.

  6. 2023 Year of Black Workers. Black History Month, this October, produced some fantastic events, some based on personal contributions by individual workers, highlighting their multi-faceted lives.

  7. Covid 19 Inquiry. Work continues, but UNISON focused on 2 of the 5 modules, i.e., Health and “Every Story Matters”.

NEC members asked questions and raised the following points:

  • Request for a photo opportunity at the end of the meeting in support of the Ashfield Academy strikers.

  • The Tory “war on woke” against the Trans community and refugees needs to be challenged more effectively by our union.

  • The Equal Pay Claim struggle in Birmingham. Some workers are winning £200,000 pay outs, with others accepting the initial £45,000 offer. The second generation of claims have been settled out of court, typically for £45,000. The council do not seem to be learning lessons, so a third generation of claims may develop. The Council declaring itself bankrupt has caused a lot of worry to members. The Gen Sec confirmed that UNISON will be lodging claims for members. The Council has really mishandled this issue for years.

  • The issue of the LGBT+ SOG not having a stall at NDC. All SOGs should have the right to have a stall at NDC. There is an increase in the oppression of the Trans community, particularly in schools, and the Labour Party should be pushed much further on their position.

  • Request for clarity on the legal case in Northern Ireland on members pay dispute. Thanks given to the NEC for the support shown over the recent industrial action including via increased strike pay. All out action by education workers needs to be supported by the NEC in Northern Ireland.

  • The FE strikes in Scotland need more media coverage by UNISON communications nationally. What further support can the union offer these workers?

  • We need to push the Labour Party on their commitment on the National Care Service, and we have to avoid any watering down of our policy.

Presidential report - Vice President Steve North reported that:

  • The Presidential Team had attended several conferences, including Police & Justice, Retired Members and the TUC Congress.

  • The President and a wider UNISON delegation attended the 5 yearly Public Services International (PSI) conference in Geneva. The event included a fringe meeting on Tacking Climate Change in the Workplace which was chaired by Tony Wright, Chair of the UNISON Policy Committee and was attended by over 500 delegates from around the world.

  • They also attended a Stand Up to Racism event where the issue of attacks on refugees by the far right had been debated.

  • It was announced that the Presidential Charity nominated by this year’s President Libby Nolan this year will be Swansea Asylum Seekers Support, and everyone was asked to share details wherever possible. You can find details here and it would be great if all branches would consider donating. About SASS | Swansea Asylum Seekers Support.

  • The Presidential team reported that they have visited numerous picket lines supporting members with their struggles, stating that it was an honour and a privilege to attend the disputes. This included the now successful Camden traffic warden strike, and the Ashfield academy strike in East Midlands region where over 40 days of strike action on pay have now taken place.

  • There has also been a visit to Cymru/Wales for Black History Month.

Statement on Palestine and Israel - Following a detailed discussion, it was agreed that a new statement should be issued on behalf of the union calling unequivocally for an immediate ceasefire. You can read this statement here.

The union agreed a donation of £10,000 split between Medical Aid for Palestinians and the Red Cross.

Liz Wheatley, chair of the NEC’s International Committee, reminded us that before the recent horrific and unjustifiable attacks by Hamas, the death toll for Palestinians was at its highest level in Gaza and the West Bank for a number of years. She called for 5 points to be considered. (i) We need a leading member from the union speaking on the PSC platform on Saturday 28th October in London. It could be our President. (ii) We need the new statement to include a call for a ceasefire. (iii) The UNISON banner should be on all marches and protests. (iv) The DBS Campaign should be highlighted to branches and the links to the campaign sent out, underlining the complicity of the Government. (v) There should be a large donation made by the union.

NEC members reported variously,

  • that members are very keen to get involved in demonstrations

  • UNISON policy describes Israel as an “apartheid” state, and  our public statements need to be clearer on this

  • a need for the union to put out a national call for all branches to bring their banners to demos.

  • disappointment in the position of the Labour Party, banning shadow cabinet members, MPs and Councillors from attending demos.

  • That the actions of Israel equate to genocide and need to be condemned more strongly by UNISON.

  • UNISON need to learn the lessons of this recent development in the conflict, and aim to organise and respond more quickly when international events develop.

  • The recent developments are the result of 70 years of simmering injustice. We need to call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the occupation.


Time for Real Change in the 2024 UNISON SGE Elections


NEC Report, meeting held on 14 July 2023