NEC Report, meeting held on 23 May 2024

1. General Secretary’s report

  • The General Secretary raised the Local Government and Mayoral Election results, which were positive for Labour. She commented that a number of members and UNISON staff would be standing as candidates in the forthcoming general election.

  • The General Secretary asked the NEC to invite Angela Rayner or another front bench Labour MP to address National Delegate Conference in June, explaining that it would help to strengthen the Labour Party election campaign and get rid of the Tory Government. The NEC had a comprehensive and comradely discussion on this proposal. A number of NEC members mentioned that we should only have conference addressed by MPs that voted for a ceasefire in Gaza and supported UNISON policies. This is an important issue, with 76% of the population calling for a ceasefire. The point was made that many good Labour Party activists had been expelled or resigned from the party over the position that the leadership has taken on Gaza. There were also concerns raised about the Labour Party leadership ‘rowing back’ from commitments on the New Deal For Working People. It was felt by many NEC members that we needed an MP that supported the critical SNP motion for a ceasefire. An alternative proposal was put forward, detailing that 56 Labour MPs voted to support the SNP motion on a Gaza ceasefire, and that we should invite one of these MPs. A few names were mentioned including Yasmin Qureshi and Paula Barker, the latter of whom had been a UNISON regional convenor before being elected to Parliament. The particular MP invited should be decided by the Presidential team. The NEC voted on the proposals. The General Secretary’s proposal was defeated: 24 For and 31 Against. The second proposal made by an NEC member was successful: 32 For and 21 Against, with 1 abstention.

  • Other issues were discussed arising from the General Secretary’s report. There are two NHS Trusts out on strike at the moment, with Healthcare Assistants struggling for better pay. It was agreed to send a solidarity message from the NEC.

  • An NEC member asked for the union’s Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) guidance to be circulated to branches, so more members can get involved.

  • The NEC agreed to send a solidarity message to the Peace Camps springing up at universities and colleges.

  • The NEC discussed the state of Local Government services and finances, and our pay campaign. Our union will need to add pressure on the new government on these issues.

2. President’s Report

  • The President was thanked for her efforts in attending the rallies in Birmingham against the cuts to services there. There are massive cuts proposed on services, but there is no openness or honesty from the Council. This is very confusing and upsetting for our members.

  • The Vice-President’s marathon run in aid of Medical Aid for Palestinians was a great success, raising over £5,000.

  • The NEC discussed the Barnet Mental Health Social Workers’ strike campaign. They are looking at nine weeks’ strike action now. A solidarity message from the NEC was agreed.

3. NEC Committee motions and amendments for NDC were passed.

4. NDC Planning: The International Rally will be on Tuesday evening and conference will be addressed by the Palestinian Ambassador.

5. Motion to Support Student Peace Camps. The NEC had a comradely discussion on the issues, with points being made by NEC members that we needed to condemn the violence from police in the USA.

6. Development & Organisation Committee report: the Organising To Win strategy is producing positive results. Net new membership so far in 2024 was 20,000, exceeding our target for 2024 and surpassing our 2023 outcome of 6,800 net new members. All parts of the union are working hard to sustain this. All regions and all service groups were now in net positive growth. Reports from branches taking strike action indicated a significant increase in membership.

7. Industrial Action Committee report: There are two main areas of action, Healthcare Assistants in NHS Trusts and Teaching Assistants in Academy Schools. This year over £70 million backpay has been won by Healthcare Assistants in NHS Trusts who have taken strike action. Officers are looking at how to facilitate some strikers to attend NDC, but the cost and time were reported by officers to be a potential block on this.

8. Finance Committee report: The Financial Statements for 2023 were received and passed by the NEC, as were the management accounts for January-March 2024.


Battleground motions


NEC Report, meeting held on 17 April 2024