The NEC’s recommendations for NDC

Below follow conference Motions with the NEC’s position, followed by amendments.

Time For Real Change supports all these positions.

[Rule Changes with positions follow at end of Motions]

1 Organising to Win - Building Workplace Power through Participation Support

1.1 Support

2 Equalities Grow Our Union Support

2.1 Support

3 Building UNISON in the Private Sector Support

3.1 Leave to Conference

4 Equality is UNISON Business Support

4.1 Support

4.2 Support

5 Increasing Participation of Lower Paid Women in Our Union Support

6 Empowering UNISON Members for Action and Participation Through Political Education Support

6.1 Support

6.2 Support

7 Speaking 'in a Personal Capacity' Oppose

8 Harassment – It’s Not Part of the Job Support

8.1 Support

9 Menopause Support

10 Recruitment of Black Care Leavers Support

11 Death Repatriation Rights for Overseas Members Defer

12 A Health and Safety Response to a National Crisis of Stress and its Effects on Public Service Workers


13 A Health and Safety Response to a National Crisis of Stress and Its Effects on Public Service Workers


14 Threats to UK Health and Safety Legislation Support

15 Working in High Temperatures Support

16 Ongoing Negative Impact of Long Covid Support

17 Defend the Right to Strike Support

17.1 Support

18 Resisting the Tories Sustained Assault on Democracy and Our Fundamental Rights Support

19 Free Our Unions – Resist New Anti-Union Laws Repeal Existing Ones Support

20 Cost of Living Support

21 Tackling Child Poverty Support

22 Tackling Health Inequalities and Closing the Life Expectancy Gap Support

22.1 Support

23 Opposing the Rise of the Far Right in Europe Support

23.1 Support

24 Improve Bereavement Leave Support

25 Defend Abortion Rights Support

26 Ending the Social Care Crisis Support

26.1 Support

27 Radical Change in Social Care in Wales Can Influence the Whole of the UK Support

27.1 Support

28 A Vision for a National Care Service Support

28.1 Support

29 The Urgent Need for Reform and Increased Investment in Social Care Support

30 National Care Service Support

31 Unprecedented Crisis in Social Care Support and Amend

31.1 Support

32 Fighting for the Future of Local Government Support

33 Fighting for Local Government to Have the Powers and Funding It Needs! Support

34 Local Power and Money Needed to Tackle Poverty Support

35 Campaigning for Better Public Procurement Support and Amend

35.1 Support

35.2 Support

36 Ending the Two Tier Workforce in Public Services Support

37 Outsourcing and Procurement Support

38 Private Renters Deserve The Right To A Secure, Decent and Affordable Home Support

39 UNISON Housing Policy Support and Amend

39.1 Support

40 Public Transport Support

41 Public Ownership of Critical Business Infrastructure and Transport Support

42 Childcare, Women and Boosting Economic Growth Support

43 Unionised Worker Co-operatives Leave to Conference

44 Crisis in the NHS and Social Care Support

45 Integrated Care Systems Defer and Amend

45.1 Support

45.2 Support

46 Campaigning Against NHS Resources Haemorrhaging to PFI Companies Support

47 NHS Data – For the Public Good Not for Profit or Political Advantage Support

48 The Climate Emergency Post COP27 and Decarbonising UK Public Services Support

48.1 Support

49 Energy Support

49.1 Support

50 Equal Pensions for Surviving Spouses and Civil Partners Support

51 Islamic Pensions Support

52 Cost of Living Crisis and Black Workers Support

52.1 Support

53 Ethnicity Pay Gap Support and Amend

53.1 Support

54 2023 Year of the Black Worker Support

55 Please Touch my Hair – Caring for Black Patients and Service Users Support

56 Securing the Legacy of the Year of Disabled Workers Support

57 Make 2024 the Year of LGBT+ Workers Support

58 Westminster Blocking the Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill Support

59 Gender Recognition Reform Bill Support

60 Gender Recognition Reform Bill Support

61 Stop the Tory Attacks on Trans People! Support

62 Stop the Tory attacks on Trans people! Support

63 The Constitution of the United Kingdom - Reimagined in the Interest of the Majority Support

64 Defend Our Right to Vote - Voter ID is Voter Suppression Support

64.1 Support

65 Raising Awareness of No ID Vote Support

65.1 Support

66 Protect Workers' Rights and Promote Equality Support

67 Young Workers Draconian Pay and Impact of Cost of Living Crisis Support

68 Change Time Limits for an Employment Tribunal Support

69 Defending and Improving Women’s Rights Internationally Support

70 Iran: Women, Life, Liberty Support

71 Solidarity with Palestine Support

72 We Need to Talk About Palestine Support

72.1 Support

73 Palestine Support

74 Supporting Migrant Workers in Qatar after the World Cup Support

75 Defending Democracy and Workers’ Rights in Brazil Support

76 The Retained EU Law Bill - an Attack on Workers' Rights Support

77 The Retained EU Law Bill – An Attack on Workers’ Rights Nobody Asked For Support

78 The Northern Ireland Peace Process 25 Years On Support

79 Taking Effective Action within the Straitjacket of Anti-Union Laws Support

80 Industrial Action Support

81 Boosting Turnout in Industrial Action Ballots Support

81.1 Support

81.2 Support

82 Boosting Turnout in Industrial Action Ballots Support

83 Beating the Ballot Thresholds to Win Better Pay Support

83.1 Support

84 Effective Use of Our Union's Resources to Build our Industrial Action Fund and Capacity to Deliver Effective Industrial Action Support

84.1 Seek withdrawal or support

85 Celebrating and Promoting UNISON’s Legal Services Support and Amend

85.1 Defer

85.2 Defer

88 UNISON There for You and Digital Literacy Support and Amend

88.1 Defer

88.2 Defer


1 Rule C Honorary Life Members Support

2 Rule D Young Members' Seat Support

3 Rule D Service Groups Defer

4 Rule G Branch Organisation Seek withdrawal

5 Rule G Branch Meetings Support

6 Rule G Branch Officers Oppose

7 Rule G Branch Officers Support

8 Rule G The Branch Secretary Support


NEC Elections 2023: successful Time For Real Change candidates


NEC Report, meeting held on 12 April 2023