Lord Hendy QC Legal Opinion

Time For Real Change in UNISON is publishing here a full legal opinion sought from Lord Hendy QC on behalf of the NEC by the UNISON Presidential Team. Read the full opinion here

The opinion was obtained as a matter of urgency due to the assertions made that four of the resolutions passed by the NEC on October 6 were unlawful. These unfounded assertions have caused considerable uncertainty and disruption within our union, and this must now be brought to an end. The opinion from Lord Hendy QC, the preeminent expert on trade union law in the UK, is definitive. All Time For Real Change supporters, UNISON activists and UNISON members can be reassured that the actions of the NEC were entirely and without any doubt lawful, and the resolutions are valid.

In light of this definitive opinion, the UNISON Presidential Team is now seeking cooperation from the General Secretariat so UNISON can move on and get on with the business members elected us for.


UNISON Service Group Elections


December 2021 NEC Report