UNISON National Labour Link Committee Elections 2023


For a Labour Party that shares UNISON’s values, priorities and policies!

Branch nominations are open until 5.00pm on July 26th 2023.

Time For Real Change / Labour Left candidates are standing in the following regions:

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Regional elections to UNISON’s National Labour Link Committee are now underway. This Committee oversees UNISON’s relationship with the Labour Party and so will be hugely important in its next two-year term.

Twelve members are directly elected by the NEC, and 11 are elected directly be regions and it is these 11 elections which are now underway. Given the current leadership of the Labour Party’s:

  • refusal to support workers in struggle,

  • sanctioning of shadow ministers who visit picket lines,

  • abandonment of key policy pledges from the 2019 Labour manifesto like water renationalisation and free school meals for primary-school children (both of which are UNISON policy), and its

  • continued harassment and expulsion of socialists from the party because of the historic website pages they have read and shared,

there is clearly a job of work to be done to hold the Labour leadership to account and ensure it is true to the principles of our movement and the needs of our members if in government.

Therefore, we would ask all supporters as a matter of urgency to organise branch nominations for the following Time For Real Change / Labour Left candidates.

Branches can convene online meetings for the purpose of making this nomination.

Nominations must be made and submitted by Wednesday 26th July at 5.00pm. Nominations can be agreed at:

  • a Branch Committee meeting

  • a Branch Committee Executive meeting

  • a Branch Labour Link members’ meeting,

but only those who pay into the Labour Link Political Fund (also known as Affiliated Political Fund) may vote. To register your branch’s nomination, two branch officers must complete the online nomination form emailed to all branches on Monday 26th June, with the subject line UNISON - Labour Link Elections 2023-2025 (Branch nominations)

Ideally, the two branch officers will both be members of the Labour Link fund, and one officer will be the branch Labour Link Officer. But if your branch does not have officers who are members of Labour Link or a Labour Link Officer you can explain this on the nomination form and still make a valid nomination

Please take action in your branch to help us build on our successful NEC election results.